
const fs = require('fs')

const cloneDeep = require('lodash.clonedeep')
const parsePath = require('objectpath').parse
const stringifyPath = require('objectpath').stringify

const SchemaNode = require('./schemanode.js')

const Apply = require('./../performer/apply.js')

const parsingSchema = require('./../performer/utils/parsingschema.js')
const validator = require('./../performer/utils/validator.js')
const utils = require('./../performer/utils/utils.js')
const walk = require('./../performer/utils/walk.js')

const unroot = utils.unroot

const ALLOWED_OPTION_STRICT = 'strict'
const ALLOWED_OPTION_WARN = 'warn'

const cvtError = require('./../error.js')

// 2
// 2

 * Class for configNode, created with blueconfig class. This class is declared by `const config = blueconfig(schema)`.
 * The global getter config will be cloned to local config. You must refresh getters configs if you apply global change to local
 * (configuration instance).
 * @example
 * const config = blueconfig({
 *   env: {
 *     doc: 'The applicaton environment.',
 *     format: ['production', 'development', 'test'],
 *     default: 'development',
 *     env: 'NODE_ENV'
 *   },
 *   log_file_path: {
 *     'doc': 'Log file path',
 *     'format': String,
 *     'default': '/tmp/app.log'
 *   }
 * });
 * // or
 * config = blueconfig('/some/path/to/a/config-schema.json');
 * @param   {string|object}   rawSchema    Schema object or a path to a schema JSON file
 * @param   {object}   [options]    Options:
 * @param   {object}    [options.env]     Override `process.env` if specified using an object `{'NODE_ENV': 'production'}`.
 * @param   {string[]}  [options.args]    Override `process.argv` if specified using an array `['--argname', 'value']` or a string `--argname value`.
 * @param   {string}    [options.defaultSubstitute]    Override `'$~default'`, this value will be replaced by `'default'` during the schema parsing.
 * @param   {string}    [options.strictParsing]        Throw an error if `default` or `format` properties are omitted.
 * @param   {object}   scope           workers
 * @param   {Getter}   scope.Getter    Getter worker
 * @param   {Parser}   scope.Parser    Parser worker
 * @param   {Ruler}    scope.Ruler     Ruler worker
 * @class
function ConfigObjectModel(rawSchema, options, scope) {
  this.options = options

  this.Getter = scope.Getter
  this.Parser = scope.Parser
  this.Ruler = scope.Ruler

  this._strictParsing = !!(options && options.strictParsing)
  // The key `$~default` will be replaced by `default` during the schema parsing that allow
  // to use default key for config properties.
  const optsDefSub = (options) ? options.defaultSubstitute : false
  this._defaultSubstitute = (typeof optsDefSub !== 'string') ? '$~default' : optsDefSub

  // If the definition is a string treat it as an external schema file
  if (typeof rawSchema === 'string') {
    rawSchema =, rawSchema)

  rawSchema = {
    root: rawSchema

  // build up current config from definition
  this._schema = {
    _cvtProperties: {
      // root key lets apply format on the config root tree
      // root: { _cvtProperties: {} }

  this._getterAlreadyUsed = {}
  this._sensitive = new Set()

  // inheritance (own getter)
  this._getters = this.Getter.cloneStorage()

  Object.keys(rawSchema).forEach((key) => {, key, rawSchema[key], this._schema._cvtProperties, key)

  this._schemaRoot = this._schema._cvtProperties.root

  // config instance
  this._instance = {}, this._schema, this._instance)

module.exports = ConfigObjectModel

 * Parse constructor arguments.
 * Returns the list of process arguments (not including the launcher and application file arguments).
 * Defaults to process.argv unless an override is specified using the args key of the second (options)
 * argument of the blueconfig function.
 * @return    {string[]}    Returns custom args {options.args} or `process.argv.slice(2)`
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.getArgs = function() {
  return (this.options && this.options.args) || process.argv.slice(2)

 * Gets the environment variable map, using the override passed to the
 * blueconfig function or process.env if no override was passed.
 * Returns the list of environment variables. Defaults to process.env unless an override is specified using the env key of
 * the second argument (options) argument of the blueconfig function.
 * @return    {object}    Returns custom args {options.env} or `process.env`
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.getEnv = function() {
  return (this.options && this.options.env) || process.env

 * Exports all the properties (that is the keys and their current values)
 * @return    {object}    Returns properties
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.getProperties = function() {
  return cloneDeep(this._instance.root)

 * Exports all the properties (that is the keys and their current values) as
 * a JSON string, with sensitive values masked. Sensitive values are masked
 * even if they aren't set, to avoid revealing any information.
 * @return    {string}    Returns properties as a JSON string
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.toString = function() {
  const clone = cloneDeep(this._instance.root)
  this._sensitive.forEach(function(fullpath) {
    const path = parsePath(unroot(fullpath))
    const childKey = path.pop()
    const parentKey = stringifyPath(path)
    const parent = walk(clone, parentKey)
    parent[childKey] = '[Sensitive]'
  return JSON.stringify(clone, null, 2)

 * Exports the schema (as blueconfig understands your schema, may be more strict).
 * @param    {boolean}    {debug=false}    When debug is true, returns Schema Node Model (as stored in blueconfig database).
 * @return    {object}    Returns schema object
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.getSchema = function(debug) {
  const schema = cloneDeep(this._schemaRoot)

  return (debug) ? schema :, schema)

function convertSchema(schemaObjectModel) {
  if (!schemaObjectModel || typeof schemaObjectModel !== 'object' || Array.isArray(schemaObjectModel)) {
    return schemaObjectModel
  } else if (schemaObjectModel._cvtProperties) {
    return, schemaObjectModel._cvtProperties)
  } else {
    let isSchemaNode = false
    if (schemaObjectModel instanceof SchemaNode) {
      schemaObjectModel = schemaObjectModel.attributes
      isSchemaNode = true
    const schema = {}

    Object.keys(schemaObjectModel).forEach((name) => {
      let keyname = name
      if (name === 'default' && !isSchemaNode) {
        keyname = this._defaultSubstitute

      schema[keyname] =, schemaObjectModel[name])

    return schema

 * Exports the schema as a JSON string.
 * @param    {boolean}    {debug=false}    When debug is true, returns Schema Node Model (as stored in blueconfig database).
 * @return    {string}    Returns schema as a JSON string
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.getSchemaString = function(debug) {
  return JSON.stringify(this.getSchema(debug), null, 2)

 * Returns the current getter name of the `name` value origin. `name` can use dot notation to reference nested values.
 * @example
 * config.get('')
 * // or
 * config.get('db').host
 * // also
 * config.get('db[0]')
 * // with dot:
 * config.get('db[""]') { 'db': { '': 'air company'} }
 * // in the first level
 * config.get("['']") // { '': 'french site' }
 * @param    {string}    name    Target property, `name` can use dot notation to reference
 * @return   {*}     Returns the current `value` of the name property
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.get = function(path) {
  const o = walk(this._instance.root, path)
  return cloneDeep(o)

 * Returns the current getter name of the `name` value origin. `name` can use dot notation to reference nested values.
 * @example
 * config.getOrigin('')
 * @param    {string}    name    Target property, `name` can use dot notation to reference
 * @return   {string}     Returns the getter name with is the current origin of the value.
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.getOrigin = function(path) {
  path = pathToSchemaPath(path)
  const obj = walk(this._schemaRoot._cvtProperties, path)
  return (obj instanceof SchemaNode) ? obj.getOrigin() : undefined

function pathToSchemaPath(path) {
  const schemaPath = []

  path = parsePath(path)
  path.forEach((property) => schemaPath.push(property, '_cvtProperties'))

  /* if (addPath) {
    parsePath(addPath).forEach((key) => schemaPath.push(key))
  } */

  return schemaPath

 * Returns getter order. Local (configuration instance) version of blueconfig.sortGetters().
 * @see Blueconfig.getGettersOrder
 * @return    {string[]}    Returns current getter order
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.getGettersOrder = function(path) {
  return [...this._getters.order]

 * Sorts getter depending of array order, priority uses ascending order.
 * Local (configuration instance) version of blueconfig.sortGetters().
 * @see Blueconfig.sortGetters
 * @example
 * config.sortGetters(['default', 'value', 'env', 'arg', 'force'])
 * @param    {string[]}    newOrder    The new getter order
 * @return   {this}
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.sortGetters = function(newOrder) {
  const sortFilter = this.Getter.sortGetters(this._getters.order, newOrder)


  return this

 * Reclone global getters config to local getters config and update configuration
 * object value depending on new getters' order.
 * `value` set with `.merge()`/`.set()` will be replaced by schema/getter value depending
 * of Origin priority.
 * @example
 * blueconfig.getGettersOrder() // ['default', 'value', 'env', 'arg', 'force']
 * const config = blueconfig(schema) // will clone: ['default', 'value', 'env', 'arg', 'force']
 * // ### Two ways to do:
 * // 1) Global change
 * blueconfig.sortGetters(['value', 'default', 'arg', 'env', 'force'])
 * config.getGettersOrder() // ['default', 'value', 'env', 'arg', 'force']
 * blueconfig.getGettersOrder() // ['value', 'default', 'arg', 'env', 'force']
 * // apply global change on local
 * config.refreshGetters() // refresh and apply global change to local
 * config.getGettersOrder() // ['value', 'default', 'arg', 'env', 'force']
 * // 2) Local change
 * config.sortGetters(['default', 'value', 'env', 'arg', 'force'])
 * config.getGettersOrder() // ['default', 'value', 'env', 'arg', 'force']
 * blueconfig.getGettersOrder() // ['value', 'default', 'arg', 'env', 'force']
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.refreshGetters = function() {
  this._getters = this.Getter.cloneStorage(), this._schema, this._instance)

 * Returns the default value of the `name` property (defined in the schema). `name` can use dot notation to reference nested values.
 * @example
 * config.default('')
 * @param    {string}    name    Target property, `name` can use dot notation to reference
 * @return   {*}     Returns the default value.
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.default = function(strPath) {
  // The default value for FOO.BAR.BAZ is stored in `_schema._cvtProperties` at:
  //   FOO._cvtProperties.BAR._cvtProperties.BAZ.default
  const path = pathToSchemaPath(strPath)

  try {
    const prop = walk(this._schemaRoot._cvtProperties, path)
    return cloneDeep(prop.attributes.default)
  } catch (err) {
    if (err instanceof PATH_INVALID) {
      throw new PATH_INVALID(err.fullname + '.default', err.path,, err.value)
    } else {
      throw new INCORRECT_USAGE(unroot(strPath) + ': Cannot read property "default"')

 * Resets a property to its default value as defined in the schema
 * @example
 * config.reset('')
 * @param    {string}    name    Target property, `name` can use dot notation to reference
 * @return   {this}
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.reset = function(name) {
  this.set(name, this.default(name), 'default', false)

  return this

 * Checks if the property `name` is set.
 * @example
 * if (config.has('')) {
 * // Your code
 * }
 * @param    {string}    name    Target property, `name` can use dot notation to reference
 * @return   {boolean}           Returns `true` if the property `name` is defined, or `false` otherwise.
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.has = function(name) {
  const isRequired = (() => {
    try {
      const prop = walk(this._schemaRoot._cvtProperties, pathToSchemaPath(name))
      return prop.attributes.required
    } catch (err) {
      return false
      // For debug:
      if (err instanceof PATH_INVALID) {
        // undeclared property
        return false
      } else {
        // internal error
        throw err

  try {
    // values that are set and required = false but undefined return false
    return isRequired || typeof this.get(name) !== 'undefined'
  } catch (err) {
    return false

 * Sets the value `name` to value.
 * @example
 * config.set('property.that.may.not.exist.yet', 'some value')
 * config.get('property.that.may.not.exist.yet')
 * config.get('.property.that.may.not.exist.yet') // For path which start with `.` are ignored
 * // "some value"
 * config.set('color', 'green', true) // getter: 'force'
 * // .get('color') --> 'green'
 * config.set('color', 'orange', false, true) // getter: 'value' and respectPriority = true
 * // value will be not change because  ^^^^ respectPriority = true and value priority < force priority
 * // .get('color') --> 'green'
 * config.set('color', 'pink', false) // getter: 'value'
 * // value will change because respectPriority is not active.
 * // .get('color') --> 'pink'
 * config.set('color', 'green', true) // getter: 'force'
 * // .get('color') --> 'green'
 * config.merge({color: 'blue'}) // getter: 'value'
 * // value will not change because value priority < force priority
 * // .get('color') --> 'green'
 * @param    {string}    name
 * Target property, `name` can use dot notation to reference nested values, e.g. `""`.
 * If objects in the chain don't yet exist, they will be initialized to empty objects.
 * @param    {string}    [priority=false]
 * Optional, can be a boolean or getter name (a string). You must declare this property in
 * the schema to use this option. `set` will change the property getter origin depending on
 * `priority` value:
 *  - `false`: priority set to `value`.
 *  - `true`: priority set to `force`, can be only changed if you do another `.set(name, value)`.
 *    Make sure that `.refreshGetters()` will not overwrite your value.
 *  - `<string>`: must be a getter name (e.g.: `default`, `env`, `arg`).
 * @param    {string}    [respectPriority=false]
 * Optional, if this argument is `true` this function will change the value only if `priority`
 * is higher than or equal to the property getter origin.
 * @return   {this}
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.set = function(name, value, priority, respectPriority) {
  name = name.replace(/^\.(.+)$/, '$1') // fix fast `root` & `unroot` issue (devfriendly)

  const mySchema = traverseSchema(this._schemaRoot, name)

  if (!priority) {
    priority = 'value'
  } else if (typeof priority !== 'string') {
    priority = 'force'
  } else if (!this._getters.list[priority] && !['value', 'force'].includes(priority)) {
    throw new INCORRECT_USAGE('unknown getter: ' + priority)
  } else if (!mySchema) { // no schema and custom priority = impossible
    const errorMsg = 'you cannot set priority because "' + name + '" not declared in the schema'
    throw new INCORRECT_USAGE(errorMsg)

  // walk to the value
  const path = parsePath(name)
  const childKey = path.pop()
  const parentKey = stringifyPath(path)
  const parent = walk(this._instance.root, parentKey, true)

  // respect priority
  const canIChangeValue = (() => {
    if (!respectPriority) { // -> false or not declared -> always change
      return true

    const gettersOrder = this._getters.order

    const lastG = mySchema && mySchema.getOrigin && mySchema.getOrigin()

    if (lastG && gettersOrder.indexOf(priority) < gettersOrder.indexOf(lastG)) {
      return false

    return true

  // change the value
  if (canIChangeValue) {
    parent[childKey] = (mySchema && mySchema.coerce) ? mySchema.coerce(value) : value
    if (mySchema && mySchema._private) {
      mySchema._private.origin = priority

  return this

 * Get the selected property for COM.set(...)
function traverseSchema(schema, path) {
  const ar = parsePath(path)
  let o = schema
  while (ar.length > 0) {
    const k = ar.shift()
    if (o && o._cvtProperties && o._cvtProperties[k]) {
      o = o._cvtProperties[k]
    } else {
      o = null

  return o

 * Merges a JavaScript object into config
 * @deprecated since v6.0.0, use `.merge(obj)` instead or strict way: `.merge(obj, 'data')`
 * @param    {object}    obj    Load object
 * @return   {this}
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.load = function(obj) {, {
    root: cloneDeep(obj)
  }, this._instance, this._schema)

  return this

 * Merges a JavaScript properties files into config
 * @deprecated since v6.0.0, use `.merge(string|string[])` instead or strict way: `.merge(string|string[], 'filepath')`
 * @param    {string|string[]}    paths    Config file paths
 * @return   {this}
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.loadFile = function(paths) {
  if (!Array.isArray(paths)) paths = [paths]
  paths.forEach((path) => {
    // Support empty config files #253
    const json =, path)
    if (json) {
  return this

function parseFile(path) {
  const segments = path.split('.')
  const extension = segments.length > 1 ? segments.pop() : ''

  // TODO: Get rid of the sync call
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-sync
  return this.Parser.parse(extension, fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8'))

 * Merges a JavaScript object/files into config
 * @example
 * // Loads/merges a JavaScript object into `config`.
 * config.merge({
 *   'env': 'test',
 *   'ip': '',
 *   'port': 80
 * })
 * @example
 * // If you set contentType to data, blueconfig will parse array like config and not like several config.
 * config.merge([
 *   {'ip': 'test'},
 *   {'ip': ''},
 *   {'ip': 80}
 * ], 'data').getProperties() // === [{'ip': 'test'}, {'ip': ''}, {'ip': 80}]
 * config.merge([
 *   {'ip': 'test'},
 *   {'ip': ''},
 *   {'ip': 80}
 * ]).getProperties() // === {'ip': 80}
 * // Merges one or multiple JSON configuration files into `config`.
 * config.merge('./config/' + conf.get('env') + '.json')
 * // Or, merging multiple files at once.
 * config.merge(process.env.CONFIG_FILES.split(','))
 * // -> where env.CONFIG_FILES=/path/to/production.json,/path/to/secrets.json,/path/to/sitespecific.json
 * @params   {object|string|string[]}      sources    Configs will be merged
 * @params   {string}    [contentType]
 * Accept: `data` or `filepath`. If you set contentType to data, blueconfig will parse array like config and not like several config.
 * @return   {this}
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.merge = function(sources, contentType) {
  if (!Array.isArray(sources) || contentType === 'data') sources = [sources]
  sources.forEach((config) => {
    if (typeof config !== 'string' || contentType === 'data') {
    } else {
      const json =, config)
      if (json) {
  return this

 * Validates the config considering the schema (iterates each `SchemaNode.validate()` in your config).
 * All errors are collected and thrown or displayed at once.
 * @example
 * config.validate({
 *   allowed: 'strict',
 *   output: require('debug')('blueconfig:validate:error')
 * })
 * @memberof ConfigObjectModel
 * @param   {object}   [options]    Options, accepts: `options.allow` and `options.output`:
 * @param   {string}   [options.allowed=warn]
 * Any properties specified in config files that are not declared in the schema will
 * print a warning or throw an error depending on this setting:
 *  - `'warn'`: is the default behavior, will print a warning.
 *  - `'strict'`: will throw errors. This is to ensure that the schema and the config
 *    files are sync.
 * @param   {string}   [options.output]
 * You can replace the default output `console.log` by your own output function.
 * You can use [debug module]( like the example.
 * @return   {this}
ConfigObjectModel.prototype.validate = function(options) {
  options = options || {}

  options.allowed = options.allowed || ALLOWED_OPTION_WARN

  if (options.output && typeof options.output !== 'function') {
    throw new CUSTOMISE_FAILED('options.output is optionnal and must be a function.')

  const output_function = options.output || global.console.log

  const errors =, options.allowed)

  // Write 'Warning:' in bold and in yellow
  const BOLD_YELLOW_TEXT = '\x1b[33;1m'
  const RESET_TEXT = '\x1b[0m'

  if (errors.invalid_type.length + errors.undeclared.length + errors.missing.length) {
    const sensitive = this._sensitive

    const fillErrorBuffer = function(errors) {
      const messages = []
      errors.forEach(function(err) {
        let err_buf = '  - '

        /* if (err.type) {
          err_buf += '[' + err.type + '] '
        } */
        if (err.fullname) {
          err_buf += unroot(err.fullname) + ': '
        if (err.message) {
          err_buf += err.message

        const hidden = !!sensitive.has('root.' + err.fullname)
        const value = (hidden) ? '[Sensitive]' : JSON.stringify(err.value)
        const getterValue = (hidden) ? '[Sensitive]' : JSON.stringify(err.getter && err.getter.keyname)

        if (err.value) {
          err_buf += ': value was ' + value

          const getter = (err.getter) ? : false

          if (getter) {
            err_buf += ', getter was `' + getter
            err_buf += (getter !== 'value') ? '[' + getterValue + ']`' : '`'

        if (!(err instanceof BLUECONFIG_ERROR)) {
          let warning = '[/!\\ this is probably blueconfig internal error]'
          if (process.stdout.isTTY) {
            warning = BOLD_YELLOW_TEXT + warning + RESET_TEXT
          err_buf += ' ' + warning

      return messages

    const types_err_buf = fillErrorBuffer(errors.invalid_type).join('\n')
    const params_err_buf = fillErrorBuffer(errors.undeclared).join('\n')
    const missing_err_buf = fillErrorBuffer(errors.missing).join('\n')

    const output_err_bufs = [types_err_buf, missing_err_buf]

    if (options.allowed === ALLOWED_OPTION_WARN && params_err_buf.length) {
      let warning = 'Warning:'
      if (process.stdout.isTTY) {
        warning = BOLD_YELLOW_TEXT + warning + RESET_TEXT
      output_function(warning + '\n' + params_err_buf)
    } else if (options.allowed === ALLOWED_OPTION_STRICT) {

    const output = output_err_bufs
      .filter(function(str) {
        return str.length

    if (output.length) {
      throw new VALIDATE_FAILED(output)
  return this